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Client: Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership

Empowering people to get outside!

Promoting the physical and mental health benefits of being outside.

The Challenge

Being outside brings huge benefits for our physical and mental health, but for a large majority of people, the Covid-19 pandemic created many barriers to getting outside. It caused unprecedented disruption to people’s lives and negatively impacted their engagement in physical activity. Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership (also known as SASP) brought ADPR onboard to break down the barriers created by the isolation of Covid-19 and loss of confidence created in people. As the vaccine roll-out gathered pace, the weather improved and the roadmap out of lockdown was launched. It provided the perfect platform to start communicating in a friendly and supportive way to Somerset residents, encouraging them to make the most of the outdoors in a safe way, in-line with current restrictions at the time. We were tasked to promote the message of ‘moving more in ways that suit you’.

The Get Outside in Somerset campaign was an important marketing campaign after the Covid-19 lockdowns, so having the creativity, connections and expertise of ADPR was instrumental. They were great to work with, very flexible around the needs of the campaign and its messaging and worked well with the 4 charities from across the VCSE sector in Somerset. The collaboration of all the organisations involved really bought the Get Outside in Somerset campaign to life, and ADPR were key in the success of launching this campaign.

Sarah Coombs, Strategic Communications Manager at SASP

The Solution

Our strategy for the campaign involved developing and implementing a communications campaign that focused on embedding physical activity as a way of life.

We managed the development of a unique brand for the campaign, which included a logo, brand colours and fonts, and tone of voice to ensure cohesion. Once the branding had been created, we project-managed the development of a new content-led website.

A diverse range of channels and tactics were used to launch the campaign including earned media, which involved a launch press release, thought leadership interviews, articles and commentary. Owned content, such as the campaign video – which was project managed by ADPR, including the creation of the script – along with blog content and ambassador profiles. Paid media, such as online press advertorial, commercial radio advertising, Digital audio exchange (DAX) advertising, social media advertising, and influencer advertising. ADPR also worked closely with Somerset Activity & Sports Partnership’s social media partner to develop a content strategy and assets for launch.

Leveraging the engaged audiences of partners and ambassadors via regular catch ups helped us to break down the barriers, and empower, encourage and support people in Somerset to ‘get outside’.

Ongoing content creation and media relations drove momentum and increased brand awareness following the launch. ADPR also designed and delivered a monthly newsletter as well as content themes and specific campaigns, such as seasonal outdoor challenges to keep the community engaged.

The Results

Reach for organic press coverage for the campaign was in excess of 2,500,000, and included mentions in BBC Somerset, The County Gazette, Chard and Ilminster News, Bridgwater Mercury, Frome Times, Burnham and Highbridge Weekly News,, Somerset Chamber online and specialist fitness magazine, Trail Running Magazine.

We recorded 3,000 unique visitors to a brand new website, between July 2021 and April 2022.

The creation of a monthly newsletter had 317 subscribers, a 50% average open rate and 15% average click through. Industry benchmarks for non-profit are: 26.6% for open rates and just 2.7% for click through rates [Source: Campaign Monitor]

At the end of the campaign, ADPR created a bespoke online survey to gather insights from the Get Outside in Somerset community. 70% of respondents said “Get Outside in Somerset” increased their confidence/inspired them to go outside more.

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